2025 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Carly Andrews, The Alliance for Early Childhood

Victoria Curnutte, Chiaravalle Montessori

Alla Dinu, Chiaravalle Montessori

Jaclyn Jones, Chiaravalle Montessori

Mariebhez Troksa, Chiaravalle Montessori

2024 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Jene' Appling, The Goddard School of Skokie (Evanston/Wilmette)

Sara Arnold, Highland Park Montessori

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Cristy Athas, North Shore Country Day School

Nicole Axon, Greeley School

Caroline Baxter, Rose Hall Montessori

Jim Beavin, Joseph Sears School

Liz Berliant, Crow Island School

Melissa Brody, Crow Island School

Ross Cabin, Joseph Sears School

Judith Campbell, Greeley School

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Stacey Dana, Central Elementary School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Courtney Dinkel, Joseph Sears School

Emma Donnelly, The Nature Preschool at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Kathy Elbert, The School of Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

Sue Frederick, Greeley School

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School

Jennifer Garza, Joseph Sears School

Jeff Gerdin, Joseph Sears School

Bill Gordon, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Glowski, Willow Wood Preschool

Ted Graf, Greeley School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Ann Halley, The Nature Preschool at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Samantha Hamilton, Joseph Sears School

Sarah Hanley, Greeley School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Emily Hayden, Joseph Sears School

Teiama Heath, St. Joseph School

Marty Heffner, Joseph Sears School

Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

Katie Kalogropoulos, Greeley School

Carly Kaplan, Central Elementary School

Julia Kolt, The Nature Preschool at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Julie Kreiter-Shulman, The Goddard School of Skokie (Evanston/Wilmette)

Debbie Kruse, Joseph Sears School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Arlene Kuzel, Hubbard Woods School

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Arianna Lopez, The Goddard School of Skokie (Evanston/Wilmette)

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School

Aly Marti, Rose Hall Montessori

Ann Mazza, Rose Hall Montessori

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Gabby Noyes, Joseph Sears School

Colleen Odell, The School of Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity

Carin Peacock, North Shore Country Day School

Drew Petersen, Greeley School

Kathleen Peth, Central Elementary School

Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School

Cindy Phelan, The School of Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

Laura Romisher, Joseph Sears School

Melanie Roth, The School of Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity

Alex Roy, Greeley School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Jason Scheetz, The Nature Preschool at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Cathy Schroeder, Greeley School

Susan Schroeder, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Amber Schmiesing, TrueNorth Little Adventurers

Aileen Scommegna, Greeley School

Liz Sexton, The School of Saints Faith, Hope, and Charity

Cathleen Sheridan, Joseph Sears School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Bernadette Slovitt, Joseph Sears School

Elizabeth Snow, Central Elementary School

Dawn Stanek, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Ashley Stanley, Joseph Sears School

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Melanie Stewart-Clarke, The Nature Preschool at the Chicago Botanic Garden

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Katie Then, Willow Wood Preschool

Anne Trueman, Joseph Sears School

Kathleen Vegter, Central Elementary School

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Rebecca Wills, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Liz Winitz, Winnetka Public School District 36

Jessy Zaia, Greeley School

2023 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Deb Ambrose, Crow Island School

Emily Anderson, Crow Island School

Kristen Baron, Rose Hall Montessori

Liz Berliant, Crow Island School

Emily Berna, Washburne Junior High School

Susie Birdsell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Dan Braband, St. Francis Xavier School

Katie Brockett, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Justine Cody, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Jackie Collins, St. Joseph School

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Victor Cooper, Washburne School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Kendall Dickman, Wayne Thomas Elementary School

Emma Donnelly, Chicago Botanic Garden Nature Preschool

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Ann Endre, Greeley School

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Heather Farnham, Crow Island School

Katie Fitzpatrick, Willow Wood Preschool

Emma Friend, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Kendra Gallagher, Willow Wood Preschool

Belinda Glass, Greeley School

Hannah Grant, Chicago Botanic Garden Nature Preschool

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School

Samantha Hamilton, Joseph Sears School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Susanne Hardy, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Ruth Helmer, The Skokie School

Tiffany Hunsader, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Alison Johnson, Joseph Sears School

Carly Kaplan, Central Elementary School

Vickey Kazamias, Hellenic American Academy

Karyn Keenan, Crow Island School

Teri Knaff, Washburne Junior High School

Sarah Kost, Rose Hall Montessori

Michelle Kothmann, Rose Hall Montessori

Kathy Lee, Hubbard Woods School

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School

Vickie Lovina, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kath Lyman, Trinity Church Nursey School

Emily Macklin, Joseph Sears School

Dora McCloud, St. Joseph School

Annie Mosher, Joseph Sears School

Victoria Paz, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Drew Petersen, Greeley School

Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Amy Roberts, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Alex Roy, Greeley School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Hille Sennott, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Cindy Sergot, Jewish Council for Youth Services- George W. Lutz Family Center

Jordyn Singer, Hubbard Woods School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Bernadette Slovitt, Joseph Sears School

Melanie Stewart-Clarke, Chicago Botanic Garden Nature Preschool

Valerie Stoffer, Crow Island School

Linda Stone, The Skokie School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Katie Then, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Steven Valdez, Crow Island School

Courtney VanDeVelde, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sam Wallace, Rose Hall Montessori

Christina Weiner, Greeley School

Wendy Weiner, Rose Hall Montessori

Debbie Whalen, Rose Hall Montessori

Jennifer Willis, Joseph Sears School

Liz Winemiller, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Winnetka Public School Nursery Teachers

Emilee Wolfe, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Jessy Zaia, Greeley School

Candice Zammichieli, St. Joseph School

2022 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Katia Adams, North Shore Country Day School

Allison Affrunti, Hubbard Woods School

Caitlin Anderson, Middlefork School

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Kristen Baron, Rose Hall Montessori

Caroline Baxter, Rose Hall Montessori

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

Angela Borchers, Greeley School

Emma Brayndick, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Melissa Brody, Crow Island School

Monica Brouilette, Sunset Ridge School

Margo Browne, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Ross Cabin, Joseph Sears School

Samantha Calabrese, Joseph Sears School

Chris Cauley, New Trier High School

Bertha Chavez, RN, Fenix Family Health Center

Andrew Chester, Carleton W. Washburne School

Justine Cody, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Dr. Annie Collins, North Shore Country Day School

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

Emily Culbert, North Shore Country Day School

Ania Czubin, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Stacey Dana, Central Elementary School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Katie Dukler, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Melissa Durbin, Christ Church Children’s Ministries

Jennifer Ellerman, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Ann Endre, Joseph Sears School

Libby Ester, North Shore Country Day School

Julie Fontana, Joseph Sears School

Jennifer Garza, Joseph Sears School

Jeff Gerdin, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kim Goff, Joseph Sears School

Maxi Goldberg, The Skokie School

Eileen Goodspeed, Winnetka School District 36

Ted Graf, Greeley School

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School

Susanne Hardy, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Shannon Hartinger, TrueNorth Educational Cooperative 804

Nicole Henricks, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Annie Hughes, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Holly Harper Kelly, Central Elementary School

Trisha Kocanda, Winnetka Public Schools District #36

Michelle Kothmann, Rose Hall Montessori

Kathy Lee, Hubbard Woods School

Patti Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Sarah Llanes, Hubbard Woods School

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School

Jayati Lunagariya, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Mattera, Middlefork School

Ann Mazza, Rose Hall Montessori

Jennifer McCarty, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Christina Mellen, Joseph Sears School

Julie Mirabelli, Central Elementary School

Meghan Moorman, Middlefork School

Paige O'Donoghue, Rose Hall Montessori

Nicole Ohlsen, Greeley School

Gwen Oelerich, All Things Bright and Beautiful

John Pappas, Carleton W. Washburne School

Missy Parks, Crow Island School

Eva Petersen, Crow Island School

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Cathy Quigley, Joseph Sears School

Ellen Rasmussen, North Shore Country Day School

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School

Bradley Rice, Carleton W. Washburne School

Cailey Richer, Joseph Sears School

Leslie Richmond, Joseph Sears School

Amy Roberts, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

Elizabeth Rohner, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Jeff Rosen, Joseph Sears School

Lois Rosinski, Kid Motion

Melanie Roth, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Frank Salerno, New Trier High School

Jason Scheetz, Chicago Botanic Garden Nature Preschool

Aileen Scommegna, Greeley School

Hille Sennott, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Elaine Shull, The Skokie School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Candice Silva, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Jessica Singer, Joseph Sears School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Matt Temple, New Trier High School

Sara Tropp, The Skokie School

Bill Vaananen, Middlefork School

Chris VanderPal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Kathleen Vegter, Central Elementary School

Stephen Vowles, Carleton W. Washburne School

Rebecca Waller, Orrington Elementary School

Christina Weiner, Greeley School

Wendy Weiner, Rose Hall Montessori

Kari Wendt, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Debbie Whalen, Rose Hall Montessori

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Kerry Wickel, Rose Hall Montessori

Christine Wilson, Rose Hall Montessori

Carrie Winter, Hubbard Woods School

Emilee Wolfe, Winnetka Public School Nursery

2021 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Karolina Bajkowska, Joseph Sears School

Michelle Baldwin, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Donald Barraca, Carleton Washburne School

Jeanine Batt, Hubbard Woods School

Misty Bell, Middlefork School

Jennifer Bennett, Joseph Sears School

Susie Birdsell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Angela Borchers, Greeley School

Shayna Brickman, Kickstart Pediatric Therapy “Best Buds”

Ross Cabin, Joseph Sears School

Samantha Calabrese, Joseph Sears School

Christa Callies, Joseph Sears School

Marcy Canel, Sacred Heart School

Jill Carell, Joseph Sears School

Bill Cline, Joseph Sears School

Dr. Annie Collins, North Shore Country Day School

Judy Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Hailey Contine, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

Eve Creeleman, Crow Island School

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Hillary Davis, Middlefork School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Maleca Delao, Willow Wood Preschool

Dana Dorsey, Sunset Ridge School

Andrea Drangsholt, Joseph Sears School

Dr. Robert Drewry, Joseph Sears School

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School

Betty Duffy, Willow Wood Preschool

Melissa Durbin, Christ Church Children’s Ministries

Nancy Economou, Joseph Sears School

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Maureen Etter, Carleton Washburne School

Connie Fapka, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School

Emily Gajos, Carleton Washburne School

Jennifer Garza, Joseph Sears School

Jeff Gerdin, Joseph Sears School

Marcy Giesler, North Shore Country Day School

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kim Goff, Joseph Sears School

Marla Goldberg, Skokie School

Bill Gordon, Joseph Sears School

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School

Laurie Hamman, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Bianca Hara, Saints Faith, Hope and Charity School

Vicky Hardesty, Greeley School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Megan Hartigan, Carleton Washburne School

Anne Hazelwood, Crow Island School

Anna Henerey, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Julia Howard, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

Leslie Jenner, Greeley School

Faith Kanatzidis, Rose Hall Montessori

Yoo-Kyung Kim, North Shore Country Day School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Arlene Kuzel, Hubbard Woods

Anna Ladik, Carleton Washburne School

Kathy Lee, Hubbard Woods School

Patti Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Mercedes Lopez, New Trier High School

Myra Love, Joseph Sears School

Jayati Lunagariya, Joseph Sears School

Tim Mah, North Shore Country Day School

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School

Kylene McCabe, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Patrick McHugh, North Shore Country Day School

Natalie McLemore, Joseph Sears School

Caitlin McLennan, North Shore Country Day School

Christina Mellen, Joseph Sears School

Megan Miller, Christ Church Winnetka

Ola Muszynski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Natalie Notaro, Kickstart Pediatric Therapy “Best Buds”

Gabby Noyes, Joseph Sears School

Gwen Oelerich, All Things Bright and Beautiful

John Pappas, Carleton Washburne School

Margo Parkes, Joseph Sears School

David Parks, Middlefork School

Coley Patterson, Willow Wood Preschool

Victoria Paz, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Dr. Julie Pfeffer, Crow Island School

Christina Pierce, Skokie School

Sarah Pierson, Burbank School

Kiley Pomerantyz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Molly Pope, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Sara Pyne, North Shore Country Day School

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School

Amy Roberts, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

Mary Rogers, Kid Motion

Nancy Rolison, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kate Rosinski, Hubbard Woods School

Juli Ross, Greeley School

Alex Roy, Greeley School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

Allyson Schwarz, Greeley School

Aileen Scommenga, Greeley School

Timothy Selgrat, Carleton Washburne School

Betty Ann Shanley, Saints Faith, Hope and Charity School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Jessica Singer, Joseph Sears School

Bernadette Slovitt, Joseph Sears School

Daphna Stephan, Joseph Sears School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Lore Tenezaca, Joseph Sears School

Courtney Thomas, Willow Wood Preschool

Barb Tubekis, The Volunteer Center

Laurie VanDusen, Willow Wood Preschool

Ashley Voelker, Crow Island School

Meghan Warner, Carleton Washburne School

Courtney Weber, Joseph Sears School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Jennifer Willis, Joseph Sears School

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School

2020 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Mary Audrey Atteberry, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Dawn Barnes, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

Jennifer Bertacchi, Carleton Washburne School

Susie Birdsell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School

Holly Bressler, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Christine Buti, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Bertha Chavez, RN, Fenix Family Health Center

Annie Collins, North Shore Country Day School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

Paige Dempsey, Middlefork School

Claire Detjen, North Shore Country Day School

Jane Dicesare, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School

Kate Edwards, Hubbard Woods School

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

Louise Erickson, Skokie School

Jennifer Federer, Hubbard Woods School

Isabel Fiore, Willow Wood Preschool

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School

Amy Gabbert, Carleton Washburne School

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Susan George, Middlefork School

Marcy Giesler, North Shore Country Day School

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Eileen Goodspeed, Winnetka School District 36

Ted Graf, Greeley School

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods

Cecilia Hagist, Henking School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Vicky Hardesty, Greeley School

Megan Hartigan, Carleton Washburne School

Melissa Hilty, Skokie School

Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

Annie Hughes, Faith Hope and Charity School

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

Alison Johnson, Joseph Sears School

Chris Joob, Carleton Washburne School

Julia Kisiel, Middlefork School

Liz Krupkin, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Anna Ladik, Skokie School

Kathy Lee, Hubbard Woods School

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

Noah Madden, Skokie School

Kathryn Martin, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Michael Martinsen, Skokie School

Suzie McColl, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Patrick McHugh, North Shore Country Day School

Caitlin McLennan, North Shore Country Day School

Aimee Meccia, Faith Hope and Charity School

Kate Miller, Crow Island School

Michelle Ney, Crow Island School

Angela Nigliazzo, Skokie School

Tobye Ostrow, North Shore Country Day School

Paula Palmer, Winnetka Public School Nursery

John Pappas, Carleton Washburne School

Coley Patterson, Willow Wood Preschool

Eva Petersen, Crow Island School

Nancy Rolison, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Alex Roy, Greeley School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Elizabeth Saule, Carleton Washburne School

Cathy Schroeder, Greeley School

Betty Ann Shanley, Faith Hope and Charity School

Kate Shapiro, Kid-Motion

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

Jessica Singer, Joseph Sears School

Olivia Sisinni, Sacred Heart School

Shannon Spencer, Willow Wood Preschool

Allison Steinback, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Lore Tenezaca, Joseph Sears School

Courtney VanDeVelde, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Laurie VanDusen, Willow Wood Preschool

Maggie Waterkotte, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Anna Wendt, Middlefork School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Natalie Zawrazky, Northfield Community Nursery School

2019 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Mary Abbott, Hubbard Woods School

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School

Montserrat Alsina, North Shore Country Day School

Christy Althas, North Shore Country Day School

Kelly Anderson, Skokie School

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School

Susan Antman, Skokie School

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Allissa Baldwin, Sunset Ridge School

Dawn Barnes, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Marie Barraud, French School

Mary Bell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

Emily Berna, Washburne School

Susie Birdsell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kate Blaker, Hubbard Woods School

Amy Blonn, Crow Island School

Angela Borchers, Greeley School

Melissa Brody, Crow Island School

Sara Brown, Middlefork School

Ross Cabin, Joseph Sears School

Amy Capocchi, Sacred Heart School

Meghan Cassidy, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Amy Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Anne Collins, North Shore Country Day School

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

Eve Creelman, Crow Island School

Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

John DeGiulio, Skokie School

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Shannon Dowdle, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Andrea Drangsholt, Joseph Sears School

Teresa Dube, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Melissa Durbin, Christ Church

Gina Dwyer, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Tory Fairclough, Sacred Heart School

Jean Fink, Crow Island School

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School

Vicki Frullani, Northfield Park District

Daphne Fugate, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Elizabeth Fuller, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Kendra Gallagher, Willow Wood Preschool

Marcy Giesler, North Shore Country Day School

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Marla Goldberg, Skokie School

Bill Gordon, Joseph Sears School

Valy Gordon, Middlefork School

Stephanie Graves, The Alliance for Early Childhood

Lauren Gray, Sunset Ridge School

David Green, North Shore Country Day School

Michael Greenman, Skokie School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Anna Harrison, Wilmette Community Nursery School

Justyna Hendry, Joseph Sears School

Anna Henerey, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Nicole Henricks, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Melissa Hilty, Skokie School

Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

Tiffany Hunsader, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Elaine Hunter, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Leslie Jenner, Greeley School

Rachael Jennings, Joseph Sears School

Heather Johnson, Sunset Ridge School

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Libby Joyce, The Alliance for Early Childhood

Karyn Keenan, Crow Island School

Eileen Kelly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Chris Lambros, Skokie School

Olivia LeCompte, Sacred Heart School

Anya Leist, North Shore Country Day School

Patty Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Catherine Levy, Willow Wood Preschool

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

Jayati Lunagariya, Joseph Sears School

Christina Margolis, Skokie School

Michael Martinsen, Skokie School

Stephanie McShane, Sacred Heart School

Katie Melnick, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Anne Mertes, Middlefork School

Kate Miller, Crow Island School

Ola Muszynski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Michelle Ney, Crow Island School

Alex Novello, Crow Island School

Cy Oelerich, North Shore Country Day School

Marie Ortmann, Central School

Missy Parks, Greeley School

Sheri Patterson, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Beth Pauls, Sunset Ridge School

Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School

Connie Pickrell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sara Pyne, North Shore Country Day School

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School

Amy Roberts, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Gail Rodin, Joseph Sears School

Mary Rogers, Kid-Motion

Elizabeth Rohner, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Nancy Rolison, Winnetka Public School Nursery

John Rosinski, Skokie School

Kate Rosinski, Hubbard Woods School

Alex Roy, Greeley School

Daniel Ryan, Winnetka Public Schools

Bob Rzeszutko, Washburne School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Bernadette Slovitt, Joseph Sears School

Jenny Smith, Willow Wood Preschool

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Shannon Szymikowski, Joseph Sears School

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School

Anne Trueman, Joseph Sears School

Chris VanderPal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Courtney VanDeVelde, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Tip Walker, Skokie School

Meghan Warner, Skokie School

Mickey Weldon, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Julia Wen, Music Institute of Chicago

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School

Carolyn Wing, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Laura Wise, Joseph Sears School

Jessy Zich, Greeley School

Robin Zogby, Sunset Ridge School

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School


Steve Agouridis, Skokie School

Susan Antman, Skokie School

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Suedlana Askharia, Greeley School

Alissa Baldwin, Sunset Ridge School

Michelle Baldwin, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Andy Becker, Washburne School

Emily Berna, Washburne School

Jean Bierner, Hubbard Woods School

Lee Block, North Shore Country Day School

Michaela Bowler, Sacred Heart School

Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School

Lisa Brumwell, Middlefork School

Blakely Bundy, Defending the Early Years

Jill Carell, Joseph Sears School

Kristy Casey, Sacred Heart School

Amy Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Bridie Cavalier, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Courtney Cirone, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Annie Collins, North Shore Country Day School

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Melissa Cook, Greeley School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

Maggie Coyne, Washburne School

Eve Creelman, Crow Island School

Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Amber Daugherty, Crow Island School

Paige Dempsey, Middlefork School

Claire Detjen, North Shore Country Day School

Jane DiCesare, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Shannon Dowdle, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Betty Duffy, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Katie Dukler, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Nancy Economou, Joseph Sears School

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Maureen Etter, Washburne School

Tory Fairclough, Sacred Heart School

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Eve Finzer, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School

Sara Friedman, Greeley School

Erik Fritzche, Greeley School

Daphne Fugate, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Jennifer Garza, Joseph Sears School

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Marion Gladstein, Washburne School, retired

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kim Goff, Joseph Sears School

Marla Goldberg, Skokie School

Bill Gordon, Joseph Sears School

Andrea Graf, Skokie School

Ted Graf, Greeley School

Michael Greenman, Skokie School

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School

Elisa Gutierrez, Hubbard Woods School

Ann Halley, Chicago Botanic Garden Nature Preschool

Susanne Hardy, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Dan Hibey, New Trier High School

Melissa Hilty, Skokie School

Megan Hinton, McKenzie School

Mathilde Hoarau, The French School

Kathy Hofschield, Harper School

David Hovis, Washburne School

Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

Sheila Infante, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Shannon Johnson, South School

Christine Kapusta, Northfield Community Nursery School

Karyn Keenan, Crow Island School

Eileen Kelly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Colleen Kilgallon, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Tom Kowalczyk, North Shore Country Day School

Elizabeth Krupkin, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Debra Kruse, Joseph Sears School

David Kubacki, North Shore Country Day School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Catherine LaCross, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Meg LaLonde, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Chris Lambros, Skokie School

Johanna Lastennet, The French School

Caitlin Leary, Middlefork School

Elizabeth LeBris, Joseph Sears School

Olivia LeCompte, Sacred Heart School

Patti Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Laurel Line & Jane DiCesare, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

Myra Love, Joseph Sears School

Angela Mack, Sacred Heart School

Diane Mancera, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School

Michael Martinsen, Skokie School

Suzie McColl, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Cassidy McCue, Greeley School

Kathy McDonough, Skokie School, retired

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie McShane, Sacred Heart School

Aimee Meccia, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Alejandra Mendoza, North Shore Country Day School

Dan Miller, Greeley School

Laura Montgomery, Greeley School

Colleen Moran, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Michelle Ney, Crow Island School

Angela Nigliazzo, Skokie School

Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Alex Novello, Crow Island School

Jessica Ortega, Northfield Community Nursery School

John Pappas, Washburne School

Julia Parkin, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Dave Parks, Middlefork School

Missy Parks, Crow Island School

Gina Pearlstein, Northfield Community Nursery School

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School

Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sarah Pyne, North Shore Country Day School

Cathy Quigley, Joseph Sears School

Ellen Rasmussen, North Shore Country Day School

Rebecca Reategui, North Shore Country Day School

Allison Reed, McKenzie School

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Brad Rice, Washburne School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Amy Roberts, Red Oak Elementary School

Nichola Roberts-Jones, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

Kate Rosinski, Hubbard Woods School

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School

Alex Roy, Greeley School

Georgia Salemme, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Liz Saule, Washburne School

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

Susan Schinleber, North Shore Country Day School

Cathy Schroeder, Greeley School

Hillary Schroer, Washburne School

Timothy Selgrat, Washburne School

David Senechal, Washburne School

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Lindsay Shea, Central Elementary School

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Melissa Sloan, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Bernadette Slovitt, Joseph Sears School

Dana Specht, North Shore Country Day School

Shannon Spencer, Willow Wood Preschool

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Jennifer Sullivan, Sacred Heart School

Liza Sullivan, The Alliance for Early Childhood

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Shannon Szymikowski, Joseph Sears School

Marijo Talaga, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Courtney Thomas, Willow Wood Preschool

Lisa Thomas, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Sandy Thomas, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Chris VanderPal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Courtney VanDeVelde, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Kendra Wallace, Joseph Sears School

Margaret Wasikowski, Northfield Community Nursery School

Courtney Weber, Joseph Sears School

Mary Wegner, Sacred Heart School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Kim Wendel, Washburne School

Anna Wendt, Middlefork School

Gary Wendt, Hubbard Woods School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Grace Wood, North Shore Country Day School

Janelle Wood, The Alliance for Early Childhood

Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School

Candace Yurkonis, Hubbard Woods School

Sam Yusim, Washburne School

Natalie Zawrazky, Northfield Community Nursery School

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2017 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Amy Acri, Hubbard Woods School

Patty Acri, Willow Wood Preschool

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School

Jacquelyn Allen, McKenzie Elementary School

Joanna Amaral, Hubbard Woods School

Caitlin Anderson, Middlefork School

Emily Anderson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Christy Athas, North Shore Country Day School

Mary-Audrey Attebury, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Jenn Bacon, Northfield Community Nursery School

Joanne Baker, Hubbard Woods School

Kimberley Barbaro, Skokie School

Liz Barlock, Crow Island School

D.J. Barraca, Washburne School

Maria Barraza, New Trier High School

Tina Barron, Christian Heritage Academy

Lori Barsztaitis, Skokie School

Andy Becker, Washburne School

Misty Bell, Middlefork School

Jean Bierner, Crow Island School

Susie Birdsell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kate Blaker, Hubbard Woods School

Fanny Block, The French School

Michaela Bowler, Sacred Heart School

Matt Boyer, Washburne School

Jason Bozonelos, Hubbard Woods School

Lisa Brumwell, Middlefork School

Jenny Buhler Anscomb, Skokie School

Mary Byker, Crow Island School

Amy Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Patricia Castro, Oak Terrace Elementary School

Terri Chamberlin, Sears School

Liz Chandler, Kid Motion

Molly Cinnamon, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Cathy Cohen, Ravinia Nursery School

Rebecca Collora, Crow Island School

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Melissa Cook, Greeley School

David Cooper, Washburne School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

Eve Creelman, Crow Island School

Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Ania Czubin, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Michele D'Andrea, Sacred Heart School

Paige Dempsey, Middlefork School

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Kris Doyle, Northfield Community Nursery School

Alyssa Dudzik, North Shore Country Day School

Betty Duffy, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Katie Dukler, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Melissa Durbin, Christ Church

Jennifer Ellerman, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

Annee Engelmann-Phillips, Hubbard Woods School

Tom Erf, Avoca School #37

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Lindsay Farley, Hubbard Woods School

Daniel Faust, Crow Island School

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Jean Fink, Crow Island School

Kristen Fink, Sacred Heart School

Megan Florkowski, Greeley School

Geneva Fox, North Shore Country Day School

Liza Frenzel, Kid Motion

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School

Sara Friedman, Greeley School

Erik Fritzche, Greeley School

Amy Gabbert, Washburne School

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Michelle Geraty, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Marion Gladstein, Washburne School

Marla Goldberg, Skokie School

Barb Gooden, The Alliance for Early Childhood

Andrea Graf, Skokie School

Ted Graf, Greeley School

David Green, North Shore Country Day School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Susanne Hardy, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Megan Hartigan, Washburne School

Molly Higgins, Kid Motion

David Hovis, Washburne School

Hubbard Woods School Teachers

Sheila Infante, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Michele Jensen, Lincoln School

Chris Joob, Washburne School

Karyn Keenan, Crow Island School

Teri Knaff, Washburne School

Baiba Kuntz, Joseph Sears School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Catherine LaCross, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Chris Lambros, Skokie School

Johanna Lastennet, The French School

Olivia LeCompte, Sacred Heart School

Anya Leist, North Shore Country Day School

Patti Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Rebecca Levine, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

Myra Love, Joseph Sears School

Kathy Lowell, Joseph Sears School

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool

Eileen Maday, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Michael Mancera, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Michael Martinsen, Skokie School

Julie Mcdonough, Hubbard Woods School

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Carolyn McHugh, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Dan Miller, Greeley School

Santiago Munoz, Crow Island School

Christine Ng, Crow Island School

Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Laura Norris, Crow Island School

Alex Novello, Crow Island School

Joab Oberlander, South School, Glencoe

Eleni O'Connor, Crow Island School

Duncan Olsen, North Shore Country Day School

John Pappas, Washburne School

Amanda Parker, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Missy Parks, Crow Island School

Gina Pearlstein, Northfield Community Nursery School

Charvis Peoples, McKenzie School

Carla Perry, McKenzie School

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School

Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Naila Qureshi, Washburne School

Allison Reed, McKenzie Elementary School

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School

Stephanie Rick, Avoca School #37

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Gail Rodin, Joseph Sears School

Marie Rodriguez, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Elizabeth Rohner, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kate Rosinski, Hubbard Woods School

Bob Rzeszutko, Skokie School

Shelley Sack, Hubbard Woods School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Jeffrey Shaw, North Shore Country Day School

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Lauren Siegel, McKenzie Elementary School

Tracy Silverman, Washburne School

Jessica Singer, Joseph Sears School

Catherine Small, Joseph Sears School

St. Monica Catholic Elementary School

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Linda Stone, Skokie School

Jennifer Sullivan, Sacred Heart School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Marijo Talaga, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Madeline Tank, North Shore Country Day School

Anne Trueman, Joseph Sears School

Emily Twomey, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Kris Uhler, McKenzie Elementary School

Dana Vance, Sacred Heart School

Chris VanderPal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Courtney VanDeVelde, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Stephen Vowles, Skokie School

Meghan Warner, Skokie School

Laura Weinberg, HP Community Early Learning Center

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Kim Wendel, Washburne School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Jen Whitfield, Greeley School

Matt Wilkinson, Middlefork School

Jennifer Willis, Joseph Sears School

Rachel Wilson, Avoca School #37

Katie Winger, Sacred Heart School

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School

Donald Wurth, New Trier High School

Debbie Yakoubek, Sacred Heart School

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2016 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Amy Acri, Hubbard Woods School

 Patty Acri, Willow Wood Preschool

 Steve Agouridis, Skokie School

 Jacquelyn Allen, McKenzie School

 Julie Ambrose, Washburne School

 Emily Anderson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Mary-Audrey Attebury, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Jenn Bacon, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Joanne Baker, Hubbard Woods School

 Michelle Baldwin, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Betsy Balkin, Skokie School

 Kimberley Barbaro, Skokie School

 Liz Barlock, Crow Island School

 Andy Becker, Washburne School

 Robin Bell, Middlefork School

 Joanne Bennett, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

 Emily Berna, Washburne School

 Kate Blaker, Hubbard Woods School

 Fanny Block, The French School

 Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School

 Reagan Brasch, Music Institute of Chicago

 Dana Bulan, Hubbard Woods School

 Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School

 Heather Burns, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Shannon Callinan, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Jill Carell, Joseph Sears School

 Amy Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Jamie Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Susie Codell, Skokie School

 Cathy Cohen, Ravinia Nursery School

 Rebecca Collora, Crow Island School

 Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School

 Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School

 Gail Coyle, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Eve Creelman, Crow Island School

 Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Julie Cummins, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Vicki Dallas, Winnetka Public School Nursery

 Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Michele D'Andrea, Sacred Heart School

 Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

 Kim Degand, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Jane DiCesare, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

 Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

 Dana Dorais, Middlefork School

 Robyn Dori, Crow Island School

 Alyssa Dudzik, North Shore Country Day School

 Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

 Britt Durkin, Sacred Heart School

 Kate Edwards, Hubbard Woods School

 Jennifer Ellerman, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

 Annee Engelmann-Phillips, Hubbard Woods School

 Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

 Connie Fapka, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 Stephanie Faratci, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Gwen Faulkner, McKenzie School

 Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 Kristen Fink, Sacred Heart School

 Mary Fisher, Little Bits at Winnetka Community House

 Megan Florkowski, Greeley School

 Geneva Fox, North Shore Country Day School

 Sara Friedman, Greeley School

 Erik Fritzche, Greeley School

 Jennifer Fromm, Sacred Heart School

 Daphne Fugate, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Katie Gerrity, Sacred Heart School

 Jen Gilbert, Middlefork School

 Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

 Marion Gladstein, Winnetka Pubic Schools (retired)

 Stephanie Gladstein, Washburne School

 Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

 Marla Goldberg, Skokie School

 Barbara Golomb, Middlefork School

 Bill Gordon, Joseph Sears School

 Fran Gougler, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Andrea Graf, Skokie School

 Ted Graf, Greeley School

 Margie Guidarelli, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Meghan Gullen, NSSED - Arbor Academy

 Maureen Hager, Winnetka Public Schools

 Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Wynne Harrison, Sacred Heart School

 Anne Hazelwood, Crow Island School

 Kris Heintzelman, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool

 Jordan Holod, North Shore Country Day School

 Connie Horner, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 David Hovis, Washburne School

 Stephanie Howard, Rose Hall Montessori

 Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

 Susan Hugebeck, Greeley School

 Tiffany Hunsader, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

 Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

 Michele Jensen, Lincoln School (Highland Park)

 Linnea Johnson, Winnetka Covenant Preschool

 Chris Joob, Washburne School

 Mady Kaplan, Middlefork School

 Luke Karch, Loyola Academy

 Donna Kasper, Middlefork School

 Ms. Cirone & Mrs. Kelly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Shelly Kelly, Avoca School #37

 Tammy Kerouac, Hubbard Woods School


 Don Kim, New Trier High School

 Danielle Kimak, Skokie School

 Trisha Kocanda, Winnetka Public Schools

 Elizabeth Krupkin, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Maria Kurt, The French School

 Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Anna Ladik, Washburne School

 Olivia LeCompte, Sacred Heart School

 Patti Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Alison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School

 Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

 Eileen Maday, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 Robin Magnusson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool

 Beth Martin, Winnetka Public Schools

 Debbie Martin, Crow Island School

 Amara Martini, Crow Island School

 Michael Martinsen, Skokie School

 Marisa Mateling, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Jennifer McCarty, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 Suzie McColl, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

 Carolyn McHugh, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Janis Michael, Avoca School #37

 Laura Montgomery, Greeley School

 Maggie Morphew, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Meghan Mountin, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Robin Nagy, Middlefork School

 Michelle Ney, Crow Island School

 Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

 Sheryl Nussbaum, Washburne School

 Eleni O'Connor, Crow Island School

 Jessica Ortega, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Julia Parkin, All Things Bright and Beautiful

 Missy Parks, Crow Island School

 Gina Pearlstein, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Eva Petersen, Crow Island School

 Drew Peterson, Greeley School

 Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School

 Julie Pfeffer, Crow Island School

 Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Erin Quaglia, Washburne School

 Cathy Quigley, Joseph Sears School

 Stacy Reynolds, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

 Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool, retired

 Christine Roberts, Sunset Ridge School

 Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

 Laura Romisher, Joseph Sears School

 John Rosinski, Skokie School

 Anthony Rowe, Skokie School

 Bob Rzeszutko, Skokie School

 Shelley Sack, Hubbard Woods School

 Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

 Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

 John Scheidt, Joseph Sears School

 Julianne Schmitt, Sacred Heart School

 Jesse Semeyn, Washburne School

 Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

 Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

 Christine Sinden, Harkness House for Children

 Melissa Sloan, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Ken Smith, Sunset Ridge School

 Pam Solomon, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Dana Specht, North Shore Country Day School

 Laura Steck, South School

 Allison Steinback, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

 Elizabeth Stone, Rose Hall Montessori

 Linda Stone, Skokie School

 Liza Sullivan, The Alliance for Early Childhood

 Molly Sullivan, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

 Eva Tarini, Crow Island School

 Marcy Teodoro, Hubbard Woods School

 Kelly Tess, Skokie School

 Sandy Thomas, Winnetka Community Nursery School

 Joyce Toan, Joseph Sears School

 Courtney VanDeVelde, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Tony Venetico, Washburne School

 Stephen Vowles, Skokie School

 Becky Wall, Wilmette Community Nursery School

 Katie Ward, Greeley School

 Meghan Warner, Skokie School

 Margaret Wasikowski, Northfield Community Nursery School

 Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

 Kim Wendel, Washburne School

 Kristy Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

 Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

 Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

 Jen Whitfield, Greeley School

 Molly Wiemerslage, Hubbard Woods School

 Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School

 Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool

 Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School

 Debbie Yakoubek, Sacred Heart School

 Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2015 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Amy Acri, Hubbard Woods School

Patty Acri, Willow Wood Preschool

Bia Adams, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School

Montserrat Alsina, North Shore Country Day School

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Joanne Baker, Hubbard Woods School

Early Childhood Team, Baker Demonstration School

Laurie Barry, Middlefork School

Robin Bell, Middlefork School

Kate Blaker, Hubbard Woods School

Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School

Reagan Brasch, Music Institute of Chicago

Heather Burns, Northfield Community Nursery School

Barb Caines, Washburne School

Eileen Canafax, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Shelley Carey, Sunset Ridge School

Jackie Carpenter, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Amy Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Kerry Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Bea Cavoto, St. Joseph School

Jamie Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Jill Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Richard Clemmitt, Christ Church

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Melissa Cook, Greeley School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool

Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School

Paige Dempsey, Middlefork School

Donna DeWit, Christian Heritage Academy 

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Colette Donnelly, Willow Wood Preschool

Sarah Druzik, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Alyssa Dudzik, North Shore Country Day School

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

Tom Erf, Avoca West School

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Jean Fink, Crow Island School

Megan Florkowski, Greeley School

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Marcy Giesler, North Shore Country Day School

Jen Gilbert, Middlefork School

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School

Andrea Graf, Skokie School

Ted Graf, Greeley School

David Green, North Shore Country Day School

Mary Frances Greene, Middlefork School

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School

Anne Hazelwood, Crow Island School

David Hovis, Washburne School 

Peggy Hoyt, Skokie School

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Shannon Johnson, South School

Nicole Johnston, Sunset Ridge School

Chris Joob, Washburne School

Courtney Joyce, Crow Island School

Mady Kaplan, Middlefork School

Christine Kapusta, Northfield Community Nursery School

Jordan Kaseeska, Hubbard Woods School 

Donna Kasper, Middlefork School

Paula Kaye, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Monica Kelly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Tammy Kerovac, Hubbard Woods School 

Julia Kerrigan, Skokie School

John Kirkpatrick, New Trier High School

Hallie Kobylski, Crow Island School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Meg LaLonde, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Chaidan Leshinski, Joseph Sears School 

Julianne Leszczynski, Sacred Heart School

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Nicole Logisz, Joseph Sears School

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

Myra Love, Joseph Sears School 

Robin Magnusson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School

Angela Nigliazzo & Elyse Martinsen, Skokie School

Michael Martinsen, Skokie School

Katie Mayo, Skokie School

Ann Marie Wolfe, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Jennifer McCarty, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Suzie McColl, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School

Maggie Morphew, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Anja Mueller, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Bonnie Muran, Middlefork School

Michelle Ney, Crow Island School

Christine Ng, Crow Island School

Paige O'Donoghue, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

John Pappas, Washburne School

Missy Parks, Crow Island School

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Jennifer Peterson, Joseph Sears School

Emily Picard, Sts. Faith, Hope, & Charity School 

Kiley Pomerantz, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Cathy Quigley, Joseph Sears School

Cindy Razniewski, Sacred Heart School

Betsy Regan, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Stacy Reynolds, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Eve Richards, Crow Island School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Gail Rodin, Joseph Sears School

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

Grace Roh, Avoca West School

Cathy Rosen, Washburne School

Lois Rosinski, Kid-Motion

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School 

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

Jessie Semeyn, Washburne School

Megan Sexton, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Gwyn Seymour, Skokie School

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School

Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg, Greeley School

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

Elizabeth Skydell, Skokie School

Judy Smolen, Willow Wood Preschool

Marlene Sonkin, Hubbard Woods School

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Linda Stone, Skokie School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Carla Tarini, Skokie School

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School

Joyce Toan, Joseph Sears School

Anne Trueman, Joseph Sears School

Julie Tuten, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Dana Vance, Sacred Heart School

Chris VanderPal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Fay Wasserman, Crow Island School

Harmony Watson, Joseph Sears School

Mary Watt, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Jeffrey Weir, Skokie School

Elizabeth Weismehl, Avoca West School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Sara Werthmann, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Cary Williams, Skokie School

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sarah Wool, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Terri Zazove, Middlefork School

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2014 Teacher Tribute Recipients

4th & 7th Grade Sunset Ridge Teachers, Sunset Ridge School

All Progressive Educators in District 36, Winnetka Public Schools

The Teachers at Northfield Community Nursery School, Northfield Community Nursery School

Patty Acri, Willow Wood Preschool

Bia Adams, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School

Shea Almendarez, Joseph Sears School

Joanna Amaral, Hubbard Woods School

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School

Sara Angres, Baker Demonstration School

Jennifer Arra, Joseph Sears School

Cristy Athas, North Shore Country Day School

Hollis Babbles, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Linda Bachta, Washburne School

Sally Badger, Crow Island School

Deborah Bailey, Central School

Patricia Ballard, Harper Elementary School

Kim Barbaro, Skokie School

Liz Barlock, Baker Demonstration School

Marie Barraud, French School

Cate Barron, Hubbard Woods School

Mark Barry, Central School

Andy Becker, Washburne School

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

Emily Berna, Washburne School

Jennifer Bertacchi, Washburne School

Mary Bielecki, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Dana Biesterfeld, Central School

Julie Bode, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School

Kristin Brown, Harper School

Victoria Browne, Woodlands Academy

Barbara Bruno, Central Elementary School (Wilmette)

Blakely Bundy, The Alliance For Early Childhood

Heather Burns, Northfield Community Nursery School

Eileen Canafax, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Katie Carden, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Jill Carell, Joseph Sears School

Shelley Carey, Sunset Ridge School

Jackie Carpenter, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Danielle Chamoun, Washburne School

Colleen Chick, McKenzie School

Jill Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Anne Clark, Harper Elementary School

Kyle Colborn, Central School

Lindsay Connell, Hubbard Woods School

Melissa Cook, Greeley School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool

Elissa Cornyn, Hubbard Woods School

Neil Couturier, Central School

Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Meredith Cronin, North Shore Country Day School

Alexis Damon, Northfield Community Nursery School

Patrick Dawson, Joseph Sears School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Lauren DeFrank, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Candace DeGuire, Ronald Knox Montessori

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School

Paige Dempsey, Middlefork School

Jan deStefano, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Colette Donnelly, Willow Wood Preschool

Robyn Dori, Crow Island School

Sarah Druzik, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Alyssa Dudzik, North Shore Country Day School

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Gina Dwyer, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Jennifer Ellerman, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Jessie Filkins, Ronald Knox Montessori

Sue Flachsbart, Harper Elementary School

Megan Florkowski, Greeley School

Sara Friedman, Greeley School

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School

Courtland Funke, Tripp Elementary

Kimberly Gabriel, Central School

Megan Galante, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Amy Gasaway, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Teresa Giardina, Central Elementary School (Wilmette)

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Fanny Giorda, French School

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Betsy Gmitro, Crow Island School

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School

Barbara Golomb, Middlefork School

Mindy Golub, Sunset Ridge School

Ted Graf, Greeley School

Liz Hardt, Willow Wood Preschool

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Anne Hazelwood, Crow Island School

Sarah Hepner, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Kathy Hofschield , Harper School

Julie Holmbeck, Greeley School

Connie Horner, All Things Bright and Beautiful

David Hovis, Washburne School

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Michael Jerger, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Heather Johnson, Sunset Ridge School

Kellie Johnson, Middlefork School

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright and Beautiful

Mellaura Johnson, Avoca West School

Chris Joob, Washburne School

Linda Katznelson, Skokie School

Monica Kelly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Chris Lambros, Skokie School

Rachel Lauer, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Margaret Lavender, Kid-Motion

Kelly Leehey, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Patti Leon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Julianne Leszczynski, Sacred Heart School

Jessica Lewis, Joseph Sears School

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School

Meredith Lovell, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Kathy Lowell, Joseph Sears School

Andy Lubetkin, Joseph Sears School

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School

Jacquelyn McCanse, McKenzie School

Maria McCarthy, Willow Wood Preschool

Suzie McColl, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Julie McDonough, Hubbard Woods School

Tracey McDowell, Joseph Sears School

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School

Peggy McMorrow, Skokie School

Mary McNeal, Crow Island School

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School

Earle Metzger, New Trier High School

Maggie Morphew, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Joann Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool

Ola Muszynski, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Pam Myers, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Michelle Ney, Crow Island School

Christine Ng, Crow Island School

Laura Norris, Crow Island School

Paige O'Donoghue, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Robin Padar, Ronald Knox Montessori

John Pappas, Washburne School

Gina Pearlstein, Northfield Community Nursery School

Eva Petersen, Crow Island School

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Jennifer Peterson, Joseph Sears School

Vicki Petridis, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School

Julie Pfeffer, Crow Island School

Jane Pianetto, Skokie School

Ellen Rasmussen, North Shore Country Day School

Stacy Reynolds, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School

Brad Rice, Washburne School

Eve Richards, Crow Island School

Stephanie Rick, Avoca West School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Gail Rodin, Joseph Sears School

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School

Daniel Ryan, Hubbard Woods School

Kelly Ryan, Greeley School

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School

Liz Saule, Washburne School

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

Megan Sexton, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Gwyn Seymour, Skokie School

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School

Marianne Siegel, Skokie School

Tracy Silverman, Washburne School

Elizabeth Skydell, Skokie School

Judy Smolen, Willow Wood Preschool

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Katie Stock, Sacred Heart School

Liza Sullivan, The Alliance For Early Childhood

Joshua Swanner, Washburne School

Blythe Szafoni, Joseph Sears School

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School

Chris VanderPal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Jennifer Watson, North Shore Country Day School

Mary Watt, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Sara Werthmann, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School

Cary Williams, Skokie School

Carolyn Wing, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Elizabeth Winitz, Henking Elementary School

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sam Yusim, Washburne School

Jane Zaleski, Crow Island School

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2013 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Patty Acri, Willow Wood Preschool 

Jill Adler, formerly at Winnetka Public School Nursery

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School 

A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Darcy Aksamitowski, Crow Island School 

Joanna Amaral, Hubbard Woods School 

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School 

Linda Bachta, Washburne School 

Joanne Baker, Hubbard Woods School 

Kim Barbaro, Skokie School 

Marie Barraud, French School 

Catherine Barron, Hubbard Woods School 

Tina Barron, Christian Heritage Academy 

Andy Becker, Washburne School 

Robin Bell, Middlefork School 

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

Jennifer Bertacchi, Washburne School 

Beth Black, Hubbard Woods School 

Judy Bold, Greeley School 

Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School

Betsy Brand, Skokie School 

Stacy Buehler, Baker Demonstration School 

Dana Bulan, Hubbard Woods School 

Blakely Bundy, The Alliance for Early Childhood 

Eileen Canafax, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Gail Carberry, Crow Island School

Katie Carden, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School

Jill Carell, Joseph Sears School 

Shelby Cavnar, Sunset Ridge School 

Jeni Cecil, Hubbard Woods School

Jill Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Jon Comstock, Sacred Heart School 

Maureen Condon, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School 

David Cooper, Washburne School

Judy Cooper, Kid-Motion 

Victor Cooper, Washburne School 

Sue Cornello, Willow Wood Preschool 

Elissa Cornyn, Hubbard Woods School

Ann Crawley, First Congregational Church Nursery School (Darien, CT) 

Donna Curry, violin teacher 

Alexis Damon, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Sophie Darasse, French School 

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School 

Candace DeGuire, Ronald Knox Montessori 

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School 

Rob Denien, Hubbard Woods School 

Donna DeWit, Chritian Heritage Academy 

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Robyn Dori, Crow Island School

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School 

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School 

Gina Dwyer, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Jennifer Ellerman, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School 

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Maureen Etter, Washburne School 

Jamie Evans, Central School

Cathy Fansher, Joseph Sears School 

Connie Fapka, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Jennifer Felderman, Greeley School 

Geneva Fox, North Shore Country Day School 

Ashley Frahler, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Sara Friedman, Greeley School

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School 

Jan Gaines, Skokie School

Julia Garcia-Roch, Washburne School 

Amy Gasaway, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Melissa Geisler, Skokie School 

Lizzy Giffen, North Shore Country Day School 

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School

Marla Goldberg, Skokie School 

Minda Golub, Sunset Ridge School 

Angela Gouveia, Skokie School 

Andrea Graf, Skokie School 

Ted Graf, Greeley School

David Green, North Shore Country Day School 

Thomas Hagerman, Winnetka School District 36

Vicki Handwerk, Joseph Sears School

Suzan Hanrahan, North Shore Country Day School 

Meghan Hargrave, Skokie School

Kathy Hofshield, Harper School

Lynn Horne, Sunset Ridge School 

Connie Horner, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool

David Hovis, Washburne School 

Stephanie Howard, Rose Hall Montessori 

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School 

Joe Jakcsy, Joseph Sears School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Mary Johnson and the Butterfly Teachers, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool

Lisa Kampwirth, Baker Demonstration School 

Tammy Kerouac, Hubbard Woods School 

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Anna Ladik, Washburne School

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Julianne Leszczynski, Sacred Heart School 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School 

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School 

Andy Lubetkin, Joseph Sears School 

Mary Luxum, Sacred Heart School 

Eileen Maday, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Martha Maggiore, Joseph Sears School 

Jory Mangurten, Joseph Sears School 

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School 

Katie Mayo, Skokie School

Maria McCarthy, Willow Wood Preschool 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Peggy McMorrow, Skokie School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School 

Bill Meuer, District 36 School Board 

Dawn Meziere, Sunset Ridge School 

Olga Miklasz, Northfield Community Nursery School

Bonnie Muran, Middlefork School 

Michelle Ney, Crow Island School 

Jesse Nolan, Sunset Ridge School 

Robin Padar, Ronald Knox Montessori   

Olimpia Paluch, Central School

Missy Parks, Crow Island School

Carin Peacock, Baker Demostration School 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School 

Jennifer Peterson, Joseph Sears School

Veronica Petrillo, Crow Island School 

Linda Polak, Sunset Ridge School 

Kathy Powers, Greeley School 

Erin Quaglia, Washburne School 

Naila Qureshi, Washburne School 

Anna Rasmussen, Crow Island School 

Stacy Reynolds, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool 

Gail Rodin, Joseph Sears School 

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School 

Barbara Rosenberg, Middlefork School 

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School

Kelly Ryan, Greeley School 

Bob Rzeszutko, Washburne School 

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School

Suzanne Schwartz, Greeley School 

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School 

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School 

Elizabeth Skydell, Skokie School

Judy Smolen, Willow Wood Preschool 

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School

Susan Stonequist, Sunset Ridge School 

Samantha Tabas, McKenzie School

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School

JoAnn Tennenbaum, Sunset Ridge School 

Linda Tiesse, Joseph Sears School

Steve Timko, Sunset Ridge School 

Joyce Toan, Joseph Sears School 

Andrew Toniolo, Sunset Ridge School 

Joanna Topolinski, Harper Elementary School

Pam Tracey, Harper Elementary School 

Anne Trueman, Joseph Sears School 

Jennifer Tyler, Sacred Heart School 

Harmony Watson, Joseph Sears School

Betty Weir, Skokie School 

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School 

Stephanie Welter, Washburne School

Kari Wendt, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School 

Jen Whitfield, Greeley School

Merilee Wicks, Hubbard Woods School

Cary Williams, Skokie School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Carrie Winter, Hubbard Woods School 

Carol Wolfe, Central School 

Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School

Joe Yolles, Sacred Heart School

Melinda Zibart, Sunset Ridge School 

Robin Zogby, Sunset Ridge School 

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2012 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Patty Acri, Willow Wood Preschool 

Jill Adler, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School 

Bryan Albro, Sunset Ridge School 

Mar Alkemade, North Shore Country Day School 

Joanna Amaral, Hubbard Woods School 

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School 

Susan Bachler, Rose Hall Montessori 

Jenn Bacon, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Marie Jo Badier, Spanish School 

Joanne Baker, Hubbard Woods School 

Michelle Baldwin, Willow Wood Preschool 

D. J. Barraca, Washburne School 

Marie Barraud, French School 

Sheri Barth-Johnston, Crow Island School 

Judy Bayley, Christian Heritage Academy 

Mary Bielecki, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Peggy Bourke, Crow Island School 

Lindsay Bozeday, Middlefork School 

Lisa Brumwell, Middlefork School 

Carol Brusslan, Family Network

Blakely Bundy, The Alliance for Early Childhood 

Ross Cabin, Joseph Sears School 

Judith Cambell, Hubbard Woods School 

Gail Carberry, Crow Island School 

Jill Carell, Joseph Sears School 

Jill Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Grant Clark, Franklin School (Santa Monica, CA) 

Elizabeth Clemmitt, Willow Wood Preschool 

Kris Clendenin, Greeley School 

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School 

Maureen Condon, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Lindsay Connell, Hubbard Woods School 

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School 

Melissa Cook, Greeley School 

David Cooper, Washburne School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool 

Elissa Cornyn, Hubbard Woods School 

Sarah Crawford, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

Ann Crawley, First Congregational Church Nursery School (Darien, CT) 

Ania Czubin, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

Alexis Damon, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School 

Lauren DeFrank, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Candace DeGuire, Ronald Knox Montessori

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School 

Rob Denien, Hubbard Woods School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Dr. Mark Ditthardt, Winnetka Public Schools 

Camille Dominguez, North Shore Country Day School 

Sara Donhost, Hubbard Woods School 

Robyn Dori, Crow Island School 

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School 

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School 

Gina Dwyer, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Tom Eber, Skokie School 

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School 

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School 

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School 

Mary Evans, Greeley School 

Cathy Fansher, Joseph Sears School 

Connie Fapka, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

Eve Finzer, Ronald Knox Montessori 

Geneva Fox, North Shore Country Day School 

Veronica Frehe, Crow Island School 

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School 

Sara Friedman, Greeley School 

Missy Frier, Skokie School 

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School 

Julia Garcia-Roch, Washburne School 

Suzan Garnett, North Shore Country Day School 

Amy Gasaway, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Pat Gillings, Middlefork School 

Fanny Giorda, French School 

Marion Gladstein, Washburne School 

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Barbara Golomb, Middlefork School 

Jeff Gonzalez, Franklin School (Santa Monica, CA) 

Ted Graf, Greeley School 

Dr. Thomas Hagerman, Winnetka Public Schools

Suzan Hanrahan, North Shore Country Day School 

Meghan Hargrave, Skokie School 

Timothy Hayes, New Trier High School 

Cristy Herndon, North Shore Country Day School 

Hillary Heartson, Greeley School 

Josh Higgins, Skokie School 

Darcy Hill, Crow Island School 

Cydney Hogan, Sacred Heart School

Amanda Holly, Chicago Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Center 

Connie Horner, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

David Hovis, Washburne School 

Hubbard Woods School Staff and Faculty 

Lynne Hubert, Joseph Sears School 

Kim Hufferd-Ackles, Open Wings School (Kenosha, WI) 

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School 

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Kim Johns, Baker Demonstration School 

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

Mellaura Johnson, Avoca West School

Brittany Jones, Sacred Heart School 

Lisa Kampwirth, Baker Demonstration School 

Faith Kanatzidis, Rose Hall Montessori 

Whitney Kappus, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Christine Kapusta, Northfield Community Nursery School 

A. J. Kellar, Washburne School 

Tammy Kerouac, Hubbard Woods School 

Subhana Khaja, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Rachel Labuz, Greeley School 

Chris Lambros, Skokie School 

Jen Latala, Greeley School 

Rachel Lauer, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Julianne Leszczynski, Sacred Heart School 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Katie Lodge, Sacred Heart School 

Katie Longstreth, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Janet Lord, North Shore Country Day School 

Kathy Lowell, Joseph Sears School 

Jackie Luxem, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Mary Luxem, Sacred Heart School 

Allegra Magrisso, Crow Island School 

Jory Mangurten, Joseph Sears School 

Betty Manley, Skokie School 

Amy Marcos, Washburne School 

Kathy Marquardt, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School 

Lisa Mattera, Sunset Ridge School 

Zak Maybaum, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Colleen McAllister, Wilmette Community Nursery School 

Kate McLellan, Hubbard Woods School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Peggy McMorrow, Skokie School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School 

Dawn Meziere, Sunset Ridge School 

Olga Miklasz, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Margaret Morphew, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Gail Moses, Joseph Sears School 

Maria Muro, Spanish School 

Ola Muszynski, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School 

Jesse Nolan, Sunset Ridge School 

Laura Norris, Crow Island School 

Gwen Oelerich, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Robin Padar, Ronald Knox Montessori 

Olimpia Paluch, Central School 

Bronwyn Parhad, Winnetka-Northfield Public Library 

Missy Parks, Crow Island School 

Margaret Washburne Plagge

Michele Porta, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Noreen Potempa, North Shore Country Day School 

Chuck Prestidge, Joseph Sears School 

Erin Quaglia, Washburne School 

Anna Rasmussen, Crow Island School 

Betsy Regan, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Byrd Rhyne, Hubbard Woods School 

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School 

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool 

Christine Roberts, Sunset Ridge School 

Mary Rogers, Kid-Motion 

Kellie Rouse, Middlefork School 

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School 

Reggie Ruggie, Sunset Ridge School 

Dr. Daniel Ryan, Hubbard Woods School 

Kelly Ryan, Greeley School 

Rob Rzeszutko, Washburne School 

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School 

Jen Schulz, Greeley School 

Sheena Selvey, North Shore Academy 

Amy Shuldiner, North Shore Country Day School 

Diane Sigman, Middlefork School 

Julie Singer, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Dana Specht, North Shore Country Day School 

Bart Steinberg, Skokie School 

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School 

Elizabeth Stone, Rose Hall Montessori 

Joshua Swanner, Washburne School 

Dale Swanson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Kimeri Swanson-Beck, Baker Demonstration School 

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Teachers at Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool 

Katie Lodge Then, Sacred Heart School 

Sandra Thomas, Let's Play Together 

Joyce Toan, Joseph Sears School 

Peter Tragos, New Trier High School 

Jennifer Tyler, Sacred Heart School 

Fay Wasserman, Crow Island School 

Harmony Watson, Joseph Sears School 

Jennifer Watson, North Shore Country Day School 

Mary Watt, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Bonnie Weisberg, Crow Island School 

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School 

Berkley Wellstein, North Shore Country Day School 

Matt Wendt, New Trier High School 

Sara Werthmann, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School 

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School 

Lori Widlicka, Baker Demonstration School 

Cary Williams, Skokie School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Carrie Winter, Hubbard Woods School 

Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School 

Rosemary Yocherer, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Julie Zemon, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Meg Zuehl, Washburne School

2011 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Kay Ackerman, Hubbard Woods School, retired 

Paige Allen, Crow Island School 

Rosana Amato, Ronald Knox Montessori School 

Carrie Andalman, Hubbard Woods School 

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School 

Susan Bachler, Rose Hall Montessori 

Marie Jo Badier, Spanish School 

Maggie Baldwin, Crow Island School 

Liz Barlock, Baker Demonstration School 

DJ Barraca, Washburne School 

Marie Barraud, French School 

Chris Basten, Hubbard Woods School

Keely Beaudette, Skokie School 

Robin Bell, Middlefork School 

Janet Bennett, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Joanne Bennett, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Lee Block, North Shore Country Day School 

Peggy Bourke, Crow Island School 

Cindy Brady, The Alliance for Early Childhood 

Carol Broos, Sunset Ridge School

Dana Bulan, Hubbard Woods School 

Blakely Bundy, The Alliance for Early Childhood 

Amanda Burns, Sacred Heart School 

Eric Chan, Washburne School 

Maureen Cheever, Hubbard Woods School

Lindsay Connell, Hubbard Woods School 

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School 

Melissa Cook, Greeley School 

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School 

Maggie Coyne, Washburne School 

Ann Crawley, First Congregational Church Nursery School (CT) 

Heather Crimmins, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Tifani Daly, Skokie School 

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School 

Kim Degand, Wilmette Community Nursery School 

Stephanie Diakakis, Ronald Knox Montessori School 

Linda Dick, The Cove School 

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School 

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School 

Paul Easton, New Trier High School 

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School 

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School 

Mary Ethington, Crow Island School 

Carey Farrell, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Sarah Fleischer, Skokie School 

Ellen Fogarty, Sacred Heart School 

Veronica Frehe, Crow Island School 

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School

Sara Friedman, Greeley School 

Leif Gamrath, New Trier High School 

Elza Garnett, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Suzan Garnett, North Shore Country Day School 

Amy Gasaway, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Fanny Giorda, French School 

Marion Gladstein, Washburne School 

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School

Mindy Golub, Sunset Ridge School

A. J. Gomberg, New Trier High School 

Bonnie Gorelick, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Angela Gouveia, Skokie School 

Elise Hansen, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Kathy Hardy, Hubbard Woods School

Missy Harrison,Children's Ministries at Christ Church

Preston Hayes 

Christy Herndon, North Shore Country Day School

Meg Hesselmann, Willow Wood Preschool 

Kathy Hofshield, Harper Elementary School 

David Hovis, Washburne School 

Kathy Irvin, North Shore Country Day School 

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Rachel Jennings, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool

Ann Jordahl, Montessori School of Lake Forest/Blue House 

Stephanie Joseph, Willow Wood Preschool 

Libby Joyce, The Alliance for Early Childhood 

Meg Joyce, Washburne School 

Faith Kanatzidis, Rose Hall Montessori 

Sherry Kaufman, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Anne Kelly, District 36 Board of Education 

Shawn Kerns, Hubbard Woods School 

Tammy Kerouac, Hubbard Woods School 

Trisha Kocanda, Winnetka Public Schools 

Hollis Kunz, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Jolanta Kusnierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Anna Ladik, Washburne School 

Meg LaLonde, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Charlotte Laporte, French School

Vicki Laskaris, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Jen Latala, Greeley School 

Rachel Lauer, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Jo Layug, Sacred Heart School

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Brittny Lissner, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Allison Lopuszynski, Joseph Sears School 

Leslie Loughnane, Greeley School 

Kathy Lowell, Joseph Sears School

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool 

Jackie Luxem, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Martha Maggiore, Joseph Sears School 

Robin Magnusson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool 

Betty Manley, Skokie School 

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School 

Lisa Mattera, Sunset Ridge School 

Dr. Michael McCanna 

Kate McLellan, Hubbard Woods School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Peggy McMorrow, Skokie School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School 

John Miller, Crow Island School 

Sarah Mills, North Shore Country Day School 

Bonnie Muran, Middlefork School 

Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

John O'Connor, New Trier High School 

Colleen O'Donnell, Sacred Heart School 

Marie Ortmann, Central School 

Missy Parks, Crow Island School

Jamie Pell, Crow Island School 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School 

Julie Pfeffer, Crow Island School

Caitlin Prouty, North Shore Country Day School 

Betsy Regan, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Eve Richards, Crow Island School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool 

Kathy Romano, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School 

Daniel Ryan, Hubbard Woods School 

Kelly Ryan, Greeley School 

Bob Rzeszutko, Washburne School 

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School 

Maggie Scannell, North Shore Country Day School 

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School 

Jesse Semeyn, Washburne School 

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Jessica Sheaffer, Crow Island School 

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School 

Betsy Simpson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Jeanne Smith, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Marj Steiner, Greeley School 

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School 

Elizabeth Stone, Rose Hall Montessori 

Joshua Swanner, Washburne School 

Dale Swanson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Jen Unger, Skokie School 

Chris VanderPal, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

Dana Vance, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Stephen Vowles, Washburne School 

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School 

Kelli Walton, Washburne School 

Sara Warga, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

David Wartik, Hubbard Woods School 

Fay Wasserman, Crow Island School 

Kristin Welch, Sunset Ridge School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Carrie Winter, Hubbard Woods School 

Hillary Wirtz, North Shore Country Day School 

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School 

Mark Wukas, New Trier High School 

Robin Zogby, Sunset Ridge School

2010 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School 

Kathleen Al-Basit, Skokie School 

Carrie Andalman, Hubbard Woods School 

Paula Anderson, Sacred Heart School 

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School 

Linda Bachta, Washburne School

Kelly Baskin, Washburne School 

Judy Bayley, Christian Heritage Academy 

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School 

Jennifer Bertacchi, Washburne School 

Julie Bode, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School 

Mary Beth Bohan, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School 

Naila Bokhari, Washburne School 

Mar Borie, North Shore Country Day School 

Barbara Bruno, Central School 

Dana Bulan, Hubbard Woods School 

Blakely Bundy, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood 

Liz Burke, Sacred Heart School 

Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School 

Kerry Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Jeni Cecil, Hubbard Woods School 

Dr. Maureen Cheever, Hubbard Woods School

Jill Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Kris Clendenin, Greeley School 

Judi Conaghan, Joseph Sears School 

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool 

Elissa Cornyn, Greeley School 

Maggie Coyne, Washburne School 

Shirley Cullen, North Shore Country Day School

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School 

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School

Robert Denien, Hubbard Woods School 

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School 

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Kathy Elbert, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School 

Jennifer Ellerman, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School

Teri Erickson, Washburne School 

Libby Ester, North Shore Country Day School

Gina Estkowski, St. Joseph School 

Carey Farrell, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Elyse Ferdinand, Winnetka Community House Little Bits Program 

Dave Flahive, Washburne School 

Sarah Fleischer, Skokie School 

Veronica Frehe, Crow Island School 

Sara Friedman, Greeley School 

Mary Fisher, Winnetka Community House Little Bits Program 

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School 

Julia Garcia-Roch, Washburne School

Rita Gardner, Hubbard Woods School 

Elza Garnett, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Annie Gentithes, North Shore Country Day School 

Sheila Gideon, speech therapist 

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School

Lisa Glowski, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Julie Glunz, Joseph Sears School

Betsy Gmitro, Crow Island School

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School 

Laura Good, Greeley School 

Jennifer Grant, Wilmette Community Nursery School 

Dr. Mary Frances Greene, Middlefork School 

Mary Groesch, Greeley School 

Danny Hallum, Greeley School 

Julie Halpern, Washburne School 

Elise Hansen, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Meghan Hargrave, Skokie School

Missy Harrison, Children's Ministries, Christ Church 

Krissy Hawkins, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School 

Valerie Haynor, Banner Preschool 

Lisa Henthorn, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Dr. Mary Herrmann, Winnetka Public Schools 

Cassandra Hiland, North Shore Country Day School 

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School 

Trevor Hope, Sunset Ridge School 

David Hovis, Washburne School 

Dr. Susan Hugebeck, Greeley School 

Ruth Jackson, Green Bay School

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Leslie Jenner, Greeley School 

Rachael Jennings, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School

Elizabeth Johnson, Greenwich (CT) Country Day School 

Kyle Jones, North Shore Country Day School 

Meg Joyce, Washburne School 

Adell Kabins, Banner Preschool 

Melissa Kahn, Greeley School 

Sherry Kaufman, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Erika Keating, Crow Island School 

Monica Kelly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Tammy Kerouac, Hubbard Woods School

Elizabeth Kirsch, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Betsy Kochvar, speech therapist 

Mary Korte, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Maria Kurt, French School 

Anna Ladik, Washburne School 

Chris Lambros, Skokie School 

Vicki Laskaris, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Jennifer Latala, Greeley School

Rachel Lauer, Winentka Community Nursery School 

Jo Layug, Sacred Heart School 

Diana Lee, Skokie School 

Kathy Lee, Washburne School

Kate Lennon, Skokie School

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Brittny Lissner, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Kathy Lowell, Joseph Sears School

Jackie Luxem, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Eileen Lynn, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School 

Eileen Maday, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Martha Maggiore, Joseph Sears School 

Zachary Mayburn, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jennifer McCarty, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Julie McDonough, Hubbard Woods School 

Michelle McKenna, Nutritionist 

Kate McLellan, Hubbard Woods School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Peggy McMorrow, Skokie School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School

Laura Meza, Spanish School 

Dan Miller, Greeley School 

Patricia Mitchell, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Joann Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool 

Ola Muszynski, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School 

Sara Nash, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Christine Ng, Crow Island School 

Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope and Charity School 

Laura Norris, Crow Island School 

Colleen O'Donnell, Sacred Heart School 

Gwen Oelerich, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Trish Parenti, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Missy Parks, Crow Island School 

Karin Peacock, Greeley School 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School 

Julie Pfeffer, Winnetka Public Schools 

Annee Phillips, Hubbard Woods School 

Sue Pomykalski, Central School 

Rebecca Pontarelli, St. Joseph's School 

Michele Pranno, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Ann Quinn, Willow Wood Preschool 

Betsy Regan, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Eve Richards, Crow Island School 

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Sally Ryan, Crow Island School 

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School 

Lindsay Schmieding, Middlefork School 

Katherine Schuler, Crow Island School 

Jennifer Schulz, Greeley School 

Dr. Dan Schwartz, Washburne School

Elizabeth Seiffer, Hubbard Woods School 

Jessica Sheaffer, Crow Island School 

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Toula Sideris, Joseph Sears School 

Betsy Simpson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Julie Singer, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Patty Smart, Greeley School 

Judy Smolen, Willow Wood Preschool 

Sharon Sprague, Joseph Sears School

Bart Steinberg, Skokie School 

London Summerville, Washburne School 

Bob Sweene, Crow Island School 

Dan Sweeney, North Shore Country Day School 

Laura Tolbert, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Cheri Trombino, Middlefork School 

Anne Trueman, Joseph Sears School 

Karen Tzanetopoulos, Skokie School 

Jen Unger, Skokie School

Sara Warga, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Mary Watt, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Deb Wechter, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School 

Kristin Welch, Sunset Ridge School 

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School 

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Carolyn Wing, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Hilary Wirtz, North Shore Country Day School 

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Ann Marie Wolfe, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Kavan Yee, Washburne School

2009 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Steve Agouridis, Skokie School 

Tracy Aiden, Baker Demonstration School 

Joanna Amaral, Hubbard Woods School 

Paula Anderson, Sacred Heart School 

Shannon Anderson, Skokie School 

Linda Bachta, Washburne School 

Marie Barraud, French School 

Kelly Baskin, Washburne School 

Anne Belmont, Willow Wood Preschool 

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School 

Jennifer Bertacchi, Washburne School 

Mary Beth Bohan, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Blakely Bundy, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood 

Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School 

Jennifer Burton, Sacred Heart School 

Megan Carrick, Pediatric Therapy 

Kerry Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Jill Chrobak, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Colleen Clark, Sacred Heart School 

Elizabeth Clemmitt, Willow Wood Preschool 

Cathy Coleman, Hubbard Woods School

Steve Collins, North Shore Country Day School 

Susan Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool 

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School 

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Joan Duffy, Rose Hall Montessori 

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School

Joan Elliot, Crow Island School 

Annie Finlay, Crow Island School 

Sarah Fleischer, Skokie School 

Veronica Frehe, Crow Island School 

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School 

Sara Friedman, Greeley School 

Jan Garcia, Greeley School 

Julia Garcia-Roch, Washburne School 

Wyn Gilbert, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Alison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School 

Betsy Gmitro, Crow Island School 

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School 

Candice Gordon, Skokie School 

Angela Gouveia, Skokie School 

Andrea Graf, Skokie School 

Jennifer Grant, Wilmette Community Nursery School 

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School 

Katherine Hall, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Julie Halpern, Washburne School 

Molly Happ, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Krissy Hawkins, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School 

Meg Hesselman, Willow Wood Preschool

Barbara Hesterberg, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Heidi Higgins, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Darcy Hill, Crow Island School 

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School

Sandy Holtz, Hubbard Woods School 

David Hovis, Washburne School 

Stephanie Howard, Rose Hall Montessori 

Susan Hugebeck, Greeley School 

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Joanna Johnston, Willow Wood Preschool 

Margaret Joyce, Washburne School

Melissa Kahn, Greeley School 

Sherry Kaufman, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Erika Keating, Crow Island School 

Amy Kenyon, North Shore Country Day School 

Amy Kinsella, Joseph Sears School 

Linda Kiracibasi, North Shore Country Day School 

Anna Ladik, Washburne School 

Chris Lambros, Skokie School 

Jennifer Latala, Greeley School 

Julie LeGarf, French School 

Carolyn Lemein, Willow Wood Preschool 

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Sue Leoni, North Shore Country Day School 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Brittny Lissner, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Kathy Lowell, Joseph Sears School 

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool 

Eileen Lynn, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School 

Martha Maggiore, Joseph Sears School 

Debbie Martin, Crow Island School 

Jami McCormack, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Kate McLellan, Hubbard Woods School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School

Peggy McMorrow, Skokie School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School

Laura Meza, Spanish School 

Middlefork/Sunset Ridge Teachers 

Christine Murray, Skokie School 

Ola Muszynski,Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School 

Anna Nardulli, North Shore Country Day School

Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope, & Charity School 

Keely Norris, Skokie School 

Laura Norris, Crow Island School 

Randy Orlove, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Jennifer Orr, Christian Heritage Academy

Trish Parenti, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Carin Peacock, Greeley School 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School 

Jennifer Peterson, Joseph Sears School 

Michele Pranno, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Chuck Prestidge, Joseph Sears School 

Ann Quinn, Willow Wood Preschool 

Betsy Regan, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Eve Richards, Crow Island School 

Francine Richman, Washburne School 

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School 

Kerry Russell, Wilmette Community Nursery School 

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School 

Meghan Scarsella, Sacred Heart School

Jenny Seeds, Crow Island School 

Jessica Sheaffer, Crow Island School 

Leslie Shank, Hubbard Woods School 

Julie Singer, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Sue Sklansky, The Family Room 

Bart Steinberg, Skokie School 

Daphna Stepen, Joseph Sears School 

Elizabeth Stone, Rose Hall Montessori 

Pat Stone, Skokie School 

Cheryl Streedain, Hubbard Woods School 

Sheri Styczen, Middlefork School 

Dale Swanson, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Ann Syvertsen, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Laura Tolbert, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Catherine Turban, French School 

Rebecca Uchida, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Chris VanderPal, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Deb Wechter, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School 

Kristen Welch, Sunset Ridge School 

Stacy Wellman, Greeley School 

Stephanie Welter, Washburne School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School 

Cary Williams, Skokie School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Hillary Wirtz, North Shore Coountry Day School 

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Lynda Wood, North Shore Country Day School 

Krista Wray, Hubbard Woods School 

Deana Youkhana, Sacred Heart School 

Amy Zier, Pediatric Therapy 

Robin Zogby, Sunset Ridge School

2008 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Kathleen Al-Basit, Skokie School

Joanne Amaral, Hubbard Woods School 

Paula Anderson, Sacred Heart School

Dodi Bailen, Middlefork School

Marie Barraud, The French School 

Chris Basten, Hubbard Woods School

Mary Bell, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Carlos Benfeldt, North Shore School for the Arts 

Rachel Berkhof, Middlefork School

Lee Block, North Shore Country Day School

Lea Bradley, Willow Wood Preschool

Lisa Brumwell, Middlefork School

Carol Brusslan, Family Network of Highland Park 

Dana Bulan, Hubbard Woods School

Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School

Karen Byrnes, Middlefork School

Kerry Castino, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Debbie Catalano, Sacred Heart School

Terri Chamberlin, Sears School

Deidre Churchill, Crow Island School 

Colleen Clark, Sacred Heart School

Kristin Clendenin, Greeley School

Susan Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool

Laurel Cravens, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Melanie Diakakis, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Meredith Dodd, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Patty Dodson, Hubbard Woods School

Liz Donnelly, Sacred Heart School

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Kate Edwards, North Shore Country Day School

Joan Elliott, Crow Island School 

Cathy Fansher, Sears School

Anne Feeney, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool

Elyse Ferdinand, Little Bits at the Winnetka Community House

Mary Fisher, Little Bits at the Winnetka Community House

Steve Flamich, Washburne School

Sarah Fleischer, Skokie School

Veronica Frehe, Crow Island School

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School 

Daphne Fugate, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Annie Gentithes, North Shore Country Day School

Jeff Gerdin, Sears School

Marion Gladstein, Washburne School 

Cecelia Gigiolio, Washburne School

Alison Gilchrist, Sears School

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School 

Barb Golumb, Middlefork School

Judy Gould, Sears School

Allison Greer, Hubbard Woods School

Tammy Grippo, Hubbard Woods School

Caroline Gu, Greeley School

Katherine Hall, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Vicki Handwerk, Sears School 

Molly Happ, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Winder Holeman, North Shore Country Day School

Connie Horner, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

David Hovis, Washburne Junior High 

Susan Hugebeck, Greeley School

Joy Hunter, Harkness House for Children 

Kathy Irvin, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Lisa Jarvis, Winnetka Community House 

Leslie Jenner, Greeley School

Marianne Jennings, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Liz Johnson, Greenwich (CT) Country Day School 

Joanna Johnston, Willow Wood Preschool

Libby Joyce, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood

Justyna Kalinowska, Sears School

Sherry Kaufman, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Tammy Kerovac, Hubbard Woods School

Amy Kinsella, Sears School

Mary Korte, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Maria Kurt, The French School

Chris Lambros, Skokie School

Trish Lapkus, St. Joseph School

Jennifer Latala, Greeley School

Michelle Korte Leccia, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Mary Lind, Skokie School 

Brittny Lissner, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Katie Lodge, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Allison Lopuszynski, Sears School

Kathy Lowell, Sears School

Jami McCormack, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Kate McLellan, Hubbard Woods School

Jennifer McManus, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School

Sheila Meenan, Winnetka Public School Nursery

John Miller, Crow Island School 

Tawanda Moore, Harkness House for Children 

Joann Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool

Maria Muro, The French School 

Ola Muszynski, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School

Laura Norris, Crow Island School

Amey O'Donnell, Sears School

Pascale Oger, The French School

Megan O'Neal, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Trish Parenti, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Robert Pasquesi, New Trier High School 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School

Jennifer Peterson, Sears School

Kristi Pettice, Harkness House for Children 

Katie Philipp, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Noreen Potempa, North Shore Country Day School 

Michele Pranno-Donkle, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Chuck Prestidge, Sears School

Ann Quinn, Willow Wood Preschool

Gretchen Quinn, Willow Wood Preschool

Ann Rice, Sears School 

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Barb Rodriguez, Sears School

Mia Romero, North Shore Country Day School

Barb Rosenberg, Middlefork School

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School

Kelly Ryan, Greeley School

Sally Ryan, Crow Island School

Dale Samlan, Northfield Community Nursery School

Meghan Scarsella, Sacred Heart School

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School 

John Scheidt, Sears School

Lindy Schmidt, Crow Island School 

Lindsay Schmieding, Middlefork School 

Jeremy Schoenecker, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Katherine Schuler, Crow Island School 

Jennifer Schulz, Greeley School

Jenny Seeds, Crow Island School

Leslie Shank, Hubbard Woods School

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Bonnie Silverman, JRC Early Childhood Center 

Julie Singer, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Nicole Smart, North Shore Country Day School

Judy Smolen, Willow Wood Preschool

Susan Stephenson, Sears School

Mia Stompanato, Montessori School of Lake Forest 

Sheri Styczen, Middlefork School 

Dan Sweeney, North Shore Country Day School

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School

Wendy Taylor, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Three Day Preschool Teachers, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool

Joyce Toan, Sears School

Laura Tolbert, Willow Wood Preschool

Katie Toth, Crow Island School 

Carolyn Tripp, Baker Demonstration School

Jen Unger, Skokie School

Chris VanderPal, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Elizabeth Vola, Skokie School 

Kelli Walton, Washburne School

Debra Wechter, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School

Farida Weller, The French School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School

Stephanie Welter, Washburne School

Jan Wennberg 

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Pam Whalley, North Shore Country Day School

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Carolyn Wing, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Kavan Yee, Washburne School

Deana Youkhana, Sacred Heart School 

Jill Zifkin, Hubbard Woods School

2007 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Joanna Amaral, Hubbard Woods School

Paula Anderson, Sacred Heart School 

Susan Arthur, North Shore Country Day School 

Mary Bell, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Anne Belmont, Willow Wood Preschool 

Janet Bennett, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Joan Berger, Washburne Middle School

Reagan Brasch, Music Institute of Chicago

Carol Brusslan, Family Network, Highland Park

Dr. Howard Bultinck, Sunset Ridge School District 29

Blakely Bundy, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood 

Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School 

Tammy Carlson, Middlefork School 

Kris Clendenin, Greeley School 

Steve Collins, North Shore Country Day School 

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool 

Ania Czubin, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Marie Dickey, Crow Island School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Meredith Dodd, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Patty Dodson, Hubbard Woods School 

Joan Duffy, Rose Hall Montessori School 

Mike Dugo, Crow Island School 

Brendan Dunn, Crow Island School 

Mignon Dupepe, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Liliana Elijaiek, Unity Nursery School 

Dave Flahive, Washburne Middle School 

Caryn Friedman, Joseph Sears School 

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School 

Eliza Garnett, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Ceci Gigiolio, Washburne Middle School 

Wyn Gilbert, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Allison Gilchrist, Joseph Sears School 

Marian Gladstein, Washburne Middle School 

Melissa Goad, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School 

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Bonnie Hawkinson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool 

Anne Hazelwood, Crow Island School 

Kris Heintzelman, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool 

Heidi Higgins, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Ginny Hiltz, Greeley School 

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School 

Winder Holeman, North Shore Country Day School 

Sue Holtzman, Willow Wood Preschool 

Connie Horner, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

David Hovis, Washburne Middle School 

Susan Hugebeck, Greeley School 

Kathy Irvin, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Marianne Jennings, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Cynthia Johnson, Greeley School 

Linnea Johnson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool 

Liz Johnson, Greenwich (CT) Country Day School 

Martha Johnson, Willow Wood Preschool 

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Joanna Johnston, Willow Wood Preschool 

Angie Kaczkowski, Middlefork School 

Erika Keating, Hubbard Woods School 

Linda Kiracibasi, North Shore Country Day School 

Mary Korte, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jolanta Kushierek, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Anna Ladik, Washburne Middle School 

Chris Lambros, Skokie School 

Jody Lapp, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Vicky Laskaris, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Barb Lee, Rose Hall Montessori School 

Carolyn Lemain, Willow Wood Preschool 

Suzanne Leve, Ronald Knox Montessori School 

Katie Longstreth, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Ernie Love, Skokie School 

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool 

Robin Magnusson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool

Jami McCormack, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School 

Sheila Meenan, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Dan Miller, Greeley School 

Patty Mitchell, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Joann Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool 

Jessica Newport, Crow Island School 

Ashley Nunan, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Sarah Opdycke, Skokie School 

Alice Osberg, Greeley School 

Honi Papernik, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Trish Parenti, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Carin Peacock, Greeley School 

Vannia Philips, Music Institute of Chicago 

Diane Pitt, North Shore Country Day School 

Noreen Potempa, North Shore Country Day School 

Gretchen Quinn, Willow Wood Preschool 

Mary Rehfield, Sts. Faith, Hope, and Charity School 

Ann Rice, Joseph Sears School 

Eve Richards, Crow Island School 

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool 

Meghan Roberts, Skokie School 

Barb Rodriguez, Joseph Sears School 

David Rongey, West School 

Ola Rytszel, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Laurie Sahn, Joseph Sears School 

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School 

Elizabeth Seifer, Hubbard Woods School 

Betty Ann Shanley, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Megan Stevens, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Dan Sweeney, North Shore Country Day School 

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Sandy Thomas, Willow Wood Preschool 

Jim Tingey, Central School, Wilmette 

Dr. Becky van der Bogert, Winnetka Public Schools 

Chris VanderPal, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Merrilee Waldron, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Mary Watt, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Ashley Weber, Greeley School

Stacey Wellman, Greeley School 

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School 

Lynn White, Hubbard Woods School 

Lori Widlicka, Crow Island School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Carolyn Wing, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Joe Yolles, Sacred Heart School 

Deana Youkhana, Sacred Heart School

2006 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Paula Anderson, Sacred Heart School

Susan Arthur, North Shore Country Day School 

Joanne Beckwith, Skokie School   

Joan Berger, Washburne Middle School

Jennifer Bertacchi, Washburne Middle School

Reagan Brasch, Music Institute of Chicago   

Kathleen Brenner, Northfield Community Nursery School

Blakely Bundy, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood

Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School

Mary Ann Cajet, Sears School 

Judith Campbell, Hubbard Woods School   

Megan Cawley, Skokie School

Benita Cervantes, Hubbard Woods School  

Jill Chroback, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Stephanie Conran, Greeley School

Jacy Costa, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Susan Crist, Middlefork School 

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School  

Elaine Dekin, Middlefork School   

Stephanie Diakakis, Ronald Knox Montessori School

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Helen Donohue, Sacred Heart School

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School 

Tracey Dvorak, Crow Island School   

Tom Eber, Skokie School

Kathy Elbert, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Trish Ehrich, Winnetka Public School Nursery   

Joan Elliot, Crow Island School

Sarah Friedman, Greeley School

Jan Gaines, Skokie School

Annie Gentithes, North Shore Country Day School

Lauren Gerber, Sears School 

Paige Goettel, Hubbard Woods School   

Bonnie Gorelick, Northfield Community Nursery School  

David Green, North Shore Country Day School

Alison Greer, Greeley School   

Myriam Guillen, Ancona School

Vicki Handwerk, Sears School 

Elise Hansen, St. Elisabeth's Nursery School   

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Emily Hayden, Sears School 

Kris Heintzelman, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool   

Lynn Heitsch, Skokie School

Ginny Hiltz, Greeley School

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School

Jane Holtz, formerly at Willow Wood Preschool

Char Howland, formerly at Willow Wood Preschool

Susan Hugebeck, Greeley School 

Kathy Irvin , A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Katerina Jaksic, Greeley School   

Andrew Johnson, Tuxedo Park School (NY)

Liz Johnson, Greenwich Country Day School (CT)

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool 

Joanna Johnston, Willow Wood Preschool

Sherry Kaufman , Winnetka Public School Nursery   

Erika Keating, Hubbard Woods School

Anne Kelly, District 36 Board of Education  

Jody Lapp, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Vicki Laskaris, Winnetka Community Nursery School   

Liz Leonard, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School

Kathleen Lis, North Shore Country Day School   

Steve Littell, Washburne Middle School

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool

Judy Lucas, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Kathleen Lyman, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool

Kate McClellan, Hubbard Woods School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School 

Patty Mitchell, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Joanne Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School 

Laura Norris, Crow Island School  

Sara Opdycke, Skokie School

Jen Parkinson, Greeley School 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School 

Diane Pitt, North Shore Country Day School 

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool   

David Rongey, West School

Anthony Rowe, Skokie School

Alex Rubenstein, Hubbard Woods School   

Barbara Rubernstein, Music Institute of Chicago

Sally Ryan, Crow Island School 

Ola Rytszel, Winnetka Public School Nursery   

Laurie Sahn, Sears School

Dale Samlan, Northfield Community Nursery School   

Meghan Scarsella, Sacred Heart School    

Patti Schmidt, Winnetka Community House

Lindsay Schmieding, Middlefork School   

The Second Grade Teachers, Crow Island School 

Elizabeth Seiffer, Hubbard Woods School 

Leslie Shank, Hubbard Woods School

Blyth Silva, Ronald Knox Montessori School     

Harleen Singh, Crow Island School

Lisa Skrzypczynski, Hyde Park Day School, Northfield Campus   

Marc Small, North Shore Country Day School 

Patty Smart, Greeley School 

Judy Smolen, Willow Wood Preschool

Marj Steiner, Greeley School 

Kemble Stokes, Sacred Heart School 

Cheryl Streedain, Hubbard Woods School 

Dan Sweeney, North Shore Country Day School

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Sandy Thomas, Willow Wood Preschool

Three-Year-Old Morning Sky Class, Winnetka Public School Nursery   

Joyce Toan, Sears School   

Jennifer Unger, Skokie School

Becky van der Bogert, Winnetka Public Schools

Marti von Kluck, Middlefork School  

Merrilee Waldron, Winnetka Public School Nursery   

Kelli Walton, Washburne Middle School

David Wartik, Hubbard Woods School 

Wendy Weiner, Rose Hall Montessori School

Stacy Wellman, Greeley School 

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School  

Laurie Widlicka, Crow Island School

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School  

Eliza Winkler, Rose Hall Montessori School

Kavan Yee, Washburne Middle School

Deana Youkhana, Sacred Heart School  

Blythe Zajakowski, Sears School 

Jill Zifkin, Hubbard Woods School 

2005 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Sally Abrams, Sacred Heart School

Kay Ackerman, Hubbard Woods School 

Betsy Balyeat,Washburne School 

Joanne Beckwith, Skokie School 

Mary Bell, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Janet Bennett, A Joyful Noise Preschool 

Judy Bold, South School   

Kathleen Brenner, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Dana Bulan, Hubbard Woods School 

Blakely Bundy, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood

Judith Campbell , Hubbard Woods School

Rebecca Cannon, Crow Island School

Elaine Chow, PACT

Nancy Connolly, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School 

Pam Coster, St. Faith Hope & Charity Church 

Pam Darnall, Northfield Community Nursery School

Sidney Dechovitz, Crow Island School

Candace DeGuire, Ronald Knox Montessori

Colleen Detjen, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School

Audrey Dixton, Willow Wood Preschool   

Meredith Dodd, Winnetka Public School Nursery  

Gayle Dougherty, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Kathy Drakopoulos, Ravinia Reading Center

Michael Dugo, Crow Island School

Tracey Dvorak, Crow Island School

Trish Ehrich, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Joan Elliot, Crow Island School

Louisa Erickson, Skokie School

Patrick Faul, Sacred Heart School   

Elise Ferdinand, Little Bits at Winnetka Community House 

Mary Jo Ferneding, Greeley School 

Jean Figen, Crow Island School

Merle Fippinger, School for Little Children 

Mary Fisher, Little Bits at Winnetka Community House

Sarah Friedman, Greeley School   

Georgie Geraghty, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Marion Gladstein, Washburne School

Barb Golomb, Middlefork School

Bonnie Gorelick, Northfield Community Nursery School  

Alison Greer, Greeley School 

Jill Greitens, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Rachel Gubman, Winnetka Public School Nursery

Sue Gundlach, Skokie School  

Molly Happ, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Lucy Hayes, Sacred Heart School

Beth Hebert, Crow Island School

Lynn Heitsch, Skokie School 

Marjorie Hillocks, Skokie School

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School

Sue Holtzman, Willow Wood Preschool

Connie Horner, All Things Bright & Beautiful Preschool

Kathy Irvin, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright & Beautiful

Liz Johnson, Greenwich (CT) Country Day

Carolyn Kambich, Riverwoods Montessori School

Holly Kaplan, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Sherry Kaufman, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Anne Kelly, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Paula Kelly, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance

Pam Kennedy, Middlefork School   

Sara Kirkpatrick, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Thomas Kleine, Greeley School   

Debra Kruger, Skokie School  

Peggy Kozminski, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Sarah Lacy, Crow Island School 

Chris Lambros, Skokie School

Jody Lapp, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jen Latala, Greeley School   

Dania Leemputte, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Steve Littel, Washburne School 

Katie Lodge, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Lower School Teachers, North Shore Country Day School

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool

Judy Lucas, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Amy Magnuson, Sears School

Robin Magnusson, Winnetka Covenant Church Preschool   

Val Maniscalco, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Gina Marianetti, NSSED 

Joe Mazza, Hubbard Woods School

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School

Dan Miller, Greeley School

Joann Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool   

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School 

Mary Nimrod, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School

Laura Norris, Crow Island School

Sarah Opdycke, Skokie School   

Honi Papernik, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Bronwyn Parhad, Winnetka Public Library   

Barbara Plochman, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Noreen Potempa, North Shore Country Day School 

Gretchen Quinn, Willow Wood Preschool 

Eve Richards, Crow Island School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool

Megan Roberts, Skokie School

Delphine Rogard, L'Academie des Enfants

Nancy Rolinson, Winnetka Public School Nursery   

Kelly Ryan, Greeley School 

Laurie Sahn, Sears School 

Jason Scheetz, Hubbard Woods School 

Elizabeth Seiffer, Hubbard Woods School   

Jennifer Sheridan, Greeley School 

Audra Shropshire, Crow Island School

Elizabeth Skydell, Crow Island School  

Marlene Slaughter, St. Joseph School 

Bart Steinberg, Skokie School

Megan Stevens, Sts. Faith, Hope & Charity School  

Dick Streedain, National-Louis University and formerly at Hubbard Woods School  

Susan Sullivan, Sacred Heart School 

Laura Swenson, Highcrest Middle School 

Lisa Thomas, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Elaine Tinberg, Winnetka Public School Nursery's Women of Governance 

Melly Turner, Christ Church Sunday School 

Rebecca van der Bogert, Winnetka Public Schools 

Merrilee Waldron, Winnetka Public School Nursery and WPNS' Women of Governance

Catherine Wang, South School

Zarah Warnken, Winnetka Public School Nursery

David Wartik, Hubbard Woods School

Stacy Wellman, Greeley School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School 

Lori Widlicka, Crow Island School 

Nikki Wilson, South School  

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Deana Youkhana, Sacred Heart School

Blythe Zajalowski, Sears School

John Zurbrigg, Ancona School

2004 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Sally Abrams, Sacred Heart School 

Paula Anderson, Sacred Heart School 

Elizabeth Baer, Hubbard Woods School 

Keri Bartholomew, Hubbard Woods School 

Joanne Beckwith, Skokie School 

Robin Bell, Middlefork School 

Anne Belmont, Willow Wood Preschool 

Todd Burleson, Hubbard Woods School 

Judith Campbell, Hubbard Woods School 

Mariellen Caron, St. Elisabeth’s Nursery School 

Benita Cervantes, Hubbard Woods School 

Maureen Cheever, Hubbard Woods School 

Sue Cornelo, Willow Wood Preschool 

Sheri Curran, Middlefork School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Liz Donnelly, Sacred Heart School 

Gayle Dougherty, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Shawn Dragman, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Kathy Drakopoulos, Ravinia Reading Center 

Tracy Dvorak, Crow Island School 

Dayle Ellis, Hubbard Woods School 

Louise Erickson, Skokie School 

Mary Fisher, Little Bits, Winnetka Community House 

Alice Floersch, Christian Heritage Academy 

Erik Fritzsche, Greeley School 

Sandy Gerlber, Kid Motion 

Bonnie Gorelick, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Beth Gravina, Skokie School 

David Green, North Shore Country Day School 

Jill Greiten, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Betsy Grimes, Faith Lutheran Church Sunday School

Miriam Guillen, Ancona School 

Elise Hansen, St. Elisabeth’s Nursery School 

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Comm’ty Nursery School 

Rebecca Hatch, Crow Island School 

Lucy Hayes, Sacred Heart School 

Beth Hebert, Crow Island School

Nancy Hellstrom, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Heidi Higgins, All Things Bright and Beautiful 

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School 

Amy Hollander, Harper Elementary School 

Susan Holtzman, Willow Wood Preschool 

Char Howland, Willow Wood Preschool 

Lauren Hurd, Greeley School 

Kathy Irvin, A Joyful Noise 

Katerina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Marianne Jennings, Sts. Faith, Hope, & Charity Sc. 

Liz Johnson, Greenwich Country Day School (CT) 

Pam Kennedy, Middlefork School 

Chris Lambros, Skokie School 

Jody Lapp, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Jennifer Latala, Greeley School 

Carolyn Lemein, Willow Wood Preschool 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Athenia Limperis, Greeley School 

Amy Magnusen, Sears School 

Matilda Manfredini, South School 

Joe Mazza, Hubbard Woods School 

Tracy McDowell, Sears School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Sheila Medow, Crow Island School 

Dee Metcalf, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Joann Mucci, Willow Wood Preschool 

Jessica Newport, Crow Island School 

Sarah Opdycke, Skokie School 

Honi Papernik, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Drew Peterson, Greeley School 

Eve Richards, Crow Island School

Cindy Ritchell, Willow Wood Preschool 

Barbara Rubenstein, Music Institute of Chicago 

Laurie Sahn, Sears School 

Amy Sallas, Sears School 

Merle Scharmann, Greeley School 

Laura Simpson, Crow Island School

Marj Steiner, Greeley School 

Joyce Stiles, U. of Chicago Lab Schools 

Norene Stucka, Sacred Heart School 

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Ruth Taxi, Glencoe Junior Kindergarten

Teachers and Staff, Crow Island School

Mary Anne Tindall, Skokie School 

Joyce Toan, Sears School 

Kelli Walton, Washburne School 

Judy Ward, Unity Nursery School 

Patty Washburn, North Shore Country Day School

Stacy Wellman, Greeley School

Laura Wettersten, Sacred Heart School

Lynn White, Greeley School 

Jill Witt, A Joyful Noise

Lynda Wood, North Shore Country Day School

2003 Teacher Tribute Recipients

Susan Arthur, North Shore Country Day School 

Jen Barta, former director of St. Elisabeth’s Nursery School 

Anne Belmont, Willow Wood Preschool 

Karen Boston, Sacred Heart School

Roberta Buck, South School 

Blakely Bundy, Winnetka Alliance for Early Childhood 

Judith Campbell, Hubbard Woods School 

Shirley Cullen, North Shore Country Day School 

Nancy Dahl, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Candace DeGuire, Ronald Knox Montessori School 

Jay Dillon, Hubbard Woods School 

Liz Donnelly, Sacred Heart School 

Mary Jo Ferneding, Greeley School

Katie Ford, Crow Island School 

Daphne Fugate, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Elise Hansen, St. Elisabeth’s Nursery School 

Molly Happ, Sts. Faith, Hope, & Charity School 

Kathy Hardy, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Judy Harmon, Red Oak School 

Nancy Hellstrom, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Heidi Higgins, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Kathy Himan, Sacred Heart School 

Char Howland, former director of Willow Wood Preschool 

Kathy Irvin, A Joyful Noise Preschool

Katarina Jaksic, Greeley School 

Mary Johnson, All Things Bright and Beautiful Preschool 

Holly Kaplan, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Lisa Kilcran, The Skokie School 

Jody Lapp, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Laura Lieberman, Greeley School 

Althenia Limperis, Greeley School 

Katie Lodge, Winnetka Community Nursery School 

Maha Lubbat, Willow Wood Preschool 

Janet Lubetkin, Winnetka Public School Nursery 

Judy Lucas, Winnetka Community Nursery School

Louise Matchett, former director of Winnetka Community Nursery School

Joe Mazza, Hubbard Woods School 

Phyllis McMillan, Hubbard Woods School 

Jean Nadick, Crow Island School 

Christine Ng, Crow Island School

Mia Pederson, Winnetka Community House Early Childhood Programs 

Diane Pitt, North Shore Country Day School 

Noreen Potempa, North Shore Country Day School 

Chi Quach, Greeley School 

Mary Rogers, Kid-Motion 

Jen Rose, Greeley School 

Andi Saiet, Hubbard Woods School 

Sara Samuels, Greeley School 

Marge Steiner, Greeley School 

Cheryl Streedain, Hubbard Woods School 

Eva Tarini, Crow Island School 

Joyce Toan, Sears School 

Becky van der Bogert, Winnetka Public Schools 

Joan Vande Velde, University of Chicago Laboratory School 

Sharon Weltman, Northfield Community Nursery School 

Laura Wetterston, Sacred Heart School 

Lynn White, Greeley School 

Lori Widlicka, Crow Island School 

Melissa Wimer, Crow Island School 

Lynnae Wolin, The Skokie School